What's New - Highlight or Descriptive Text
Alycia Irving
The ability for visitors to see articles/categories that have changed/added is great, but they would also love to be able to see exactly what has been updated.
This could be a simple description text or highlight of what exactly was changed or added.
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Ed Hawco
This sounds useful, and I would recommend the following nuance: Highlight should be toggleable by the reader. In other words, when the reader lands on the page and sees the "updated" flag, they also see a checkbox that they can select to see the changes. Whether checkbox is ON or OFF by default should be configurable by the workspace administrator.
Caroline Tabach
This would definitely be useful.
I suggest that it be configurable per article.
"Highlight changed text from the last X days" - and once a doc is published it highlights text that was changed based on the Revision history. This needs to be configurable per page as sometimes we just fix spelling or grammar or links and people do not need to see that. (It can also be system wide configuration for those who want)
This seems similar to these requests
Glenn Elliott
A highlight of has changed would be great. In our enviroment I manually highlight what has changed in an article or in a snippet, then after a week remove the highlighting. This is very time consuming, and I also need to keep track of which articles I need to remove the highlighting on which dates.
It would be great if new/changed content was auto highlighted and if we could set in the a highlight time to expire in the document settings that removes the highlighting.