Self-Registration Improvements
Kerensa Becker
The new UI removed some functionality and introduced some new problems. The following enhancements are needed:
- Ability to export the self-registration list.
- Ability to sort/filter the list by Domain Name and by Reader Group.
- Ability to search for domains on the list.
- Ability to enter more than one domain at a time.
- Ability to import a domain list from an xls or similar file.
- Ability to explicitly block domains AND explicitly allow domains. This was available in the old UI but currently you can only do one or the other. Use case: We need to ensure that our team users do not add public domains (like,, etc.) to prevent unauthorized access to our private KB.
- Move the “Add domains” button to the top of the page.
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D360 Product Management
Merged in a post:
Add Company Name to Reader Self-Registration
Mary Theis
Some of our external users have multiple domains setup for self-registration. Would be great to have Company Name on the Reader self-registration form and be able to filter/sort by the new field.
This would help us manage our external clients when they need to be updated or deleted.
D360 Product Management
Merged in a post:
Receiving Error Message when setting up same set of readers
Monika Mathew
Posting on behalf of a customer. Corsearch recently, tried adding readers manually. When they did, it happened that the same readers were added multiple times. Can we have a system in place where if the same reader is being setup, it should show an error message that the reader already exists etc.
Monika Mathew yes this validated and system prevents users from adding same Reader emails.
Kerensa Becker thanks for sharing your detailed views on this feature. We will definitely have this evaluated and keep this thread updated in future.
Merged in a post:
Users & Security -> knowledge base site -> readers & groups -> self registration
Jan Harmen Dijkstra
The list of domains loads very slowly (average 20-30 seconds). It is not possible to search by name as I could in the previous interface. Adding a new domain can only be done via a button at the very bottom of the list. That is very inconvenient.
Mary Theis thanks for your feedback. While having more domains, the new entry are stacked up at the bottom, hence the scroll is required. Probably we need to keep the latest ones at the top and push the second, third items in the bottom consequently and keep up the "Add" option in the top right as well.
In addition, we can also think about having search & sort functions in future too.
We will have this evaluated with our Design folks and see the possibilities to improve the usability.
Mary Theis
Thiru: Hi Thiru - Glad to hear these enhancement are being considered. The Readers page does have a Create button at the top of the page like this.
Jan Harmen Dijkstra
This may be useful if there are only a few domains listed. This is not the case for me and an add button and a search field are not only useful, but also necessary.
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