Restrict Access to a Category
Bryan Reisner
We would like to be able to restrict access to a category so that it and all its subcategories and articles are only accessible by a group of internal users. Right now I cannot go to a category and set the permissions on it to, for example, only the "IT Team". Helpjuice and knowledgeowl can do this and it seems like pretty basic permissions functionality to be missing. I liken this to setting folder permissions in Windows which without would be a nightmare.
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Shakeer Hussain S
in progress
Hi All, we have enabled Allow / Block inheritance at the article level settings. We suggest you to try the same and let us know if any concerns.
under review
Philipp Wolff
But the problem with the groups is, that if a sub-category gets added, you have to go back to the roles an "tick" it manually...
Cally Smith
Philipp Wolff: We're faced with this same issue/concern since subcategories/articles do not inherit the permissions of the parent folder.
Bryan Reisner
To clarify we want the users to be able to edit as well. Readers cannot edit and you cannot be a reader and a team member at the same time. We also want to allow access to all other categories and all future categories, just not specific ones. The way the permissions work now even if I used readers (which doesn’t meet the use case) I would have to unselect the specific categories, but doing so would exclude any future categories unless every time I added a category I went back into each user or group which had been restricted and checked the box for the new categories which would be quite a pain and error prone. We really need to be able to just set the permissions on a category and not effect any other permissions.
Mike Boe
You could do this with reader groups today. Make a reader group for employees that see all categories
IT, and make a second group that sees the whole set of categories.Arjan Ros
Mike Boe: Yup, Reader Groups do the job, Bryan Reisner!