Individual 404 Page
Helen Gschwend
We would like to configure an individual 404 page per language we have in the knowledge base. This is important to us for CI/CD reasons.
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Marshal Ebinezar
Hi Helen Gschwend, Thanks for your patience, we have introduced this feature in our recent release.
We have added an exclusive Page not found (404 error) section in the Analytics menu. If any visitor access unavailable URLs in your knowledge base, it would be recorded as 'Page not found (in technical terms 404 error). For a healthy knowledge base (and good SEO) this error should be avoided. Users can view the data when such errors occur and resolve it.
Tim Fletcher
Marshal Ebinezar: Hi Marshal. Although this feature is very much appreciated, this is not the feature described in this request.
This request is concerning bespoke 404 landing pages that can be created by us, the users. Your reply shows a completely different feature - analytics of 404s
Saravana Kumar
Tim Fletcher: We are currently building this features (expecting to be live around Jun/July). You can customize all the static pages in the knowledge base like 404, IP restriction, access denied etc.
Tim Fletcher
Saravana Kumar: amazing. Thankyou!
John Weber
Aside from a localized 404 page, I would like to upvote this as a request to be able to customize the 404 page content. It could work in the same way as the footer customization, by allowing the HTML/CSS of the 404 page to be edited. Custom images and links to helpful content could be presented.
Marshal Ebinezar
under review
Thank you for your feedback, we added in our pipeline, we will pick it up based on priority.
Geoff Mann
In addition to a localized 404 page, ideally we would also be able to customize the content beyond just replacing the image via CSS. To improve the user's experience, a 404 page should include informational text and links to additional resources.