Find and replace should have "match case"
under review
Shawna Blumenschein
Matching case when doing find and replace is a basic option of the function. It has little usefulness without this option.
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Steve Gray
I need this. Replacing a lower case word with an initial cap version is a huge problem.
Hi All,
Several similar requests have been consolidated or integrated. Essentially, all these requests revolve around the option to include a filter for determining whether replace events can be executed. We will carefully assess this and provide updates as we enhance this functionality in the future.
D360 Product Management
Merged in a post:
Find and Replace should work on titles
Sunil Panchal
Find and Replace does not work on article titles. If the name of something like a product or feature changed, you would not be able to use Find and Replace to locate all uses of that name in article titles. The feature finds text in article body but not title.
D360 Product Management
Merged in a post:
Global Find & Replace, filter by link
Krishna M
Customer has requested the following enhancement. Currently, Global Find & Replace option replaces words as well as associated links resulting in broken links. Warning/Filter option can help customers before applying it globally.
Sunil Panchal thanks for the suggestion, we will have this evaluated. However, there is a possibility that Contributors can get confused if many article titles are replaced in which their contribution has been significant. We will have this request for more customer engagement, based on the same we would like to proceed further.
Joshua Bulleid
There is now a "Match Case" option on the article find and replace, but it doesn't seem to work propperly. When I select match case and do a replace for all lowercase instances of a word it replaces the capitalised ones as well.
Here is a link to a video demonstrating the problem (which I also sent in an email regarding ticket #199350):
Krishna M thanks for the feedback. We will have this evaluated when we further enhance the module in future.
under review
Nibu Thomas & Shawna Blumenschein
Thank you very much for your feedback.
We understand your point here, however while performing match case sensitive query across all articles will consume additional time considering huge volume of articles within the project. We also provide an option for the user to preview the article content ensuring user confidence before the replace operation.
"Match whole words" option enables user to perform "sentence case". When you replace "page" with "article" all occurrences will be replaced with but only when it is a separate word. The word "homepage" will be ignored for this action.
We will keep this in our radar to improve, however we do not have any specific timelines for this to be accomplished.
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