Add export capabilities for Performance Analytics
Jenny Boston
Please add the ability to export the Performance analytics (for specific article details under Leading Articles) like you have available for the Team Accounts. We would like to regularly monitor from week to week/month to month how many views/reads each article is generating to monitor progress. Historical reports would help with this process.
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Mohamed Shakheen
Mohamed Shakheen
Jenny, Good day. As part of the Document360 revamp, we have introduced the Export functionality in multiple formats. Now we can Export the article overview in PDF format, the data which are all showcased in the table can be exported as CSV and all the visual representation can be exported in the image format with the respective date filters.
Please refer to the attachments -
Shakeer Hussain S
Nathan Anderson
Would love to have access to article-level performance analytics via the API, in addition to being able to export them.
Charlie Abernathy
Jason Schulke
Second this
Selvaraaju Murugesan
Ben Anderson Just curious to know what you are trying to do with exported data. What are the metrics that is useful for you?
Ben Anderson
Selvaraaju Murugesan: Excellent question! Right now, we're really not sure what metrics will be useful. We've only just rolled out this product to our customers within the last week or so. But, we do want the ability to export all of the above so our senior management can have access to the data. Much like the export function on the Search Analytics page.
Selvaraaju Murugesan
Got it Ben Anderson: Happy to assist you with some high level metrics on content consumption (to understand value proposition of your knowledge base), content quality, content impact (meaure reduction of csutomer support ticket), knowledge gaps. Please let me know. Curious to know what BI tool are you planning to use to build a dashboard for your senior management.
Marshal Ebinezar
under review
Hi Jenny Boston thanks for your valuable feedback, we added this to our pipeline, we will update once we pick it up for implementation.