API that re-generates the Knowledge Base Assistant API key
under review
Jessie Pincus
Currently, the API key can be regenerated only through a manual process inside the document360 portal. This makes this key un-secured. This key has an unlimited lifetime and if we won't regenerate it, then someone with access to it will permanently have access to our documentation. If we will have the option to regenerate this API key through an API, then we could regenerate it automatically once a week and automatically update our codebase with the new key, which will make it much more secure, and allow anyone who has this key only a max of 1 week access.
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Sami Rehman
Is there an update on this ticket? Without this, the content in the KB Assistant is exposed to a security threat. You cannot expect us to manually replace the API key every time.
under review
Jessie Pincus only the authorized users can be accessing the settings and that is completely with portal admin / owner to choose the relevant user, so there cannot be much of security issue to authorize the usage. However, a lifetime for the generated token we can consider. Thank you.
Jessie Pincus
Thiru: Can you consider a 7 day lifetime for the API token? Can you create a system reminder to alert 48 hours before the token will expire?